CHICly Chelsea

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I was really struggling this last little while with not knowing what the next step would be in our adventure when I read this on Just what I needed...

Faith is risking what is

for what is yet to be.
It is taking small steps
knowing they lead to bigger ones.
Faith is holding on when you want to let go.
It is letting go when you want to hold on.
Faith is hearing God’s yes
when everything else says no.
It is believing all things are possible
in the midst of impossibilities.
Faith is looking beyond what is
for what is yet to be.
It is seeing the Light in darkness,
the presence of God in all.

~ Ellen M. Cuomo

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Family Day

Here are some pics of the Family Day event that Glenn's training class put on. It was a beautiful night and really neat to see the guys showing off! I was able to snap a few pics so ENJOY!

Also, today is the first day of the Life Challenge. So I will be attempting two things:
buying flowers- which might actually just be a plant because I have a hard time buying things that you know are going to die in a few days
putting new life into something- I have a great ikat skirt from JOE that needs a new zipper. I have never put in a zipper, but I might try today!
Have a great day and take the time to count five things that you are happy for. Mine are: my husband (who is working so hard to give us a new life), my friends (who have been letting us rent their basement while we are in limbo), the local Value Village (because a girl on a severe budget still needs to shop), Porter going back to sleep with his dad so I can have a little break first thing this morning and my family (who are my sanity).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I was checking out this blog ( and found this great idea. Because I have been feeling blue lately I figured this would be the perfect thing to get me out of the slump. Who wants to try it with me??

1.  Buy fresh flowers for your home
2.  Take 15 minutes to eat a delicious, artisan dark truffle
3.  Go skinny dipping (or at least go swimming)
4.  Visit the farmer’s market and inquire about the life of one farmer.  Get into his/her world.
5.  Tell someone exactly what you desire without shame
6.  Walk barefoot in the grass
7.  Make love in an unusual place
8.  Spend a day doing nothing except relax
9.  Throw a dinner party
10.  Dress up to go to the grocery store (I’m talking make-the-butcher-turn-his-head dressing up)
11.  Send a surprise I-think-you’re-fabulous handwritten note to someone (my P.O. box is P.O. Box 7836, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 in case you can’t think of someone.  Hint. Hint.)
12.  Go technology free for one full day
13.  Get a massage
14.  Flirt with a stranger (for beginners:  brief eye contact with a little smile, then look away)
15.  Get a makeover at a makeup counter
16.  Go for a stroll after dinner (I said stroll, not power walk)
17.  Bring up an intoxicating topic with friends (anything around love or travel is always a good choice)
18.  Have Champagne for no reason at all except to celebrate life
19.  Set a timer and say a gratitude on the hour
20.  Choose a feeling you desire to experience and think/do/be whatever it takes to create it
21.  Wear your most bold, bright lipstick; reapply as needed
22.  Serve your dinner in courses and spend at least twenty minutes with each.  End with a bite of something delicious.
23.  Remove 5 things from your environment that don’t make you feel beautiful
24.  Do something completely out of character (for example, if you’re shy, force yourself to say hello to a stranger)
25.  Write a love note to yourself
26.  Invite someone you desire to know to lunch
27.  Put a trip on your calendar that you desire to take within the next 6 months
28.  Buy yourself a lovely fragrance (Bond No. 9 makes my favs:  Chinatown and Nuit de Noho)
29.  Spend a day writing out your desires in a beautiful journal
30.  Learn 5 new words in a foreign language and actually use them
31.  Kiss someone (even if it’s your dog)
32.  Try an exotic food you’ve never tasted
33.  Pretend that everyone loves you and wants you to be a huge success
34.  Light candles
35.  Ask more questions and talk less
36.  Read a poem to someone you love
37.  Teach a kid something they’ll never forget (e.g. card trick, secret handshake or a funny word like gardyloo)
38.  Take one small step that frightens you
39.  Wear a flower in your hair
40.  Pretend for one day that you don’t know your age
41.  Watch a foreign film
42.  Throw a slumber party
43.  Turn a common dish into a delicacy (e.g. truffled popcorn, carmelized onion burgers, grilled brie and pear sandwiches)
44.  Buy yourself a silk pillowcase. It feels good and is better for the skin
45.  Brag on yourself at least 5 times
46.  Pay extra special attention to your posture
47.  Wear an apron when you cook
48.  Listen to romantic, sexy music all day
49.  Speak love to every animal you see, including insects
50.  Send your worst enemy flowers anonymously (it really does feel good)
51.  Catch moments of negativity and charge them with laughter
52.  Donate $10 to your favorite charity.  Every little thing matters
53.  Smile a lot.  Best beauty tip on the market
Another list I found at this blog (

  • Give something broken a new life (a skirt, a squeaky wheel, scuffed shoes).

  • Put something beautiful on a bit of blank wall you see every day.

  • Wear something you love that you think “just isn’t you.”

  • Send a thank you note, for anything.

  • Spend an afternoon reading.

  • Cook in a vintage apron.

  • Have luncheon: a slow midday meal with cloth napkins and wine.

  • Go out of your way to do something kind for a stranger (offer a seat, hold the door, leave your copy of Us Weekly on the elliptical).

  • Donate five items from your closet that don’t make you feel unstoppably gorgeous.

  • Take care of a nagging life admin item (a trip to the post office, filing an insurance claim, making a doctor’s appointment).

  • Buy an utterly frivolous piece of lingerie.

  • Invite friends over for cocktails, dinner, or brunch.

  • Wake up an hour early to have a leisurely morning.

  • Try something that looks like pure fun (accordion, crochet, burlesque).

  • Dance. In public, in the living room, with a partner, with yourself.

  • Flirt with a stranger. (Smiling counts.)

  • Get rid of five things in your home that don’t bring you pleasure.

  • Go to a parfumerie or department store in search of a signature scent.

  • Buy flowers for your home or office.

  • Make a recipe from a fruit, vegetable, meat or fish you’ve never cooked before.

  • Walk barefoot in the grass or on the sand.

  • Have a media-free day.

  • Write down everything you feel grateful for.

  • Hold a baby.

  • Pet a puppy.

  • Ask someone to tell you their life story.

  • Read a biography of your favorite glamorous screen star, or the bravest, most badass real life heroine.

  • Eat fresh berries, straight from the green paper pint.

  • Create an occasion to wear your most impractical pair of shoes.

  • Write down your wildest dreams.

  • Take one itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy step to make one real.

  • Have a proper weekday coffee break: ceramic cup, idle gossip, and staring out a window.

  • Visit a playground and swing.

  • Make lemonade. (Literally or figuratively.)

  • Go to a junk or antique story; consider what your favorite object has seen in its life.

  • Jump in a body of water. Float.

  • Give someone a hug; let them let go first.

  • Look at the stars.

  • Replace one utilitarian item you use every day––a measuring spoon, a file folder, a key chain––with something really, really beautiful.

  • Pamper your body with a massage, an overdue haircut, a trip to the sauna, or a soak in the tub.

  • Research something that sparks your curiosity (Arthurian legend, photosynthesis, investing). If you’re still curious after a 15-minute google session, dive deeper.

  • Make a collage of beautiful images that resonate with you.

  • Read aloud to someone you love.

  • Forgive yourself.

  • Forgive someone else.

  • Spend an hour in silent reflection.

  • Dine by candlelight on a weeknight.

  • Take a walk after dinner.

  • Wear your no-fail, cheer-me-up lipstick.

  • Give a genuine compliment to an acquaintance.

  • Have a glass of champagne, just because.

  • Spend one day taking pictures of everything you find beautiful.

  • Describe your perfect day in writing.

  • Block out an afternoon (or day) on the calendar to make some (or all) of it real.

  • Select one drawer or surface and organize it.

  • Write a love letter.

  • Do something you loved as a child.

  • Upgrade your sleep wear, or go Marilyn-style.

  • Do the one thing you were relieved/sad wasn’t on this list.

  • Pretend for one day that you are as confident and amazing as you want to be.

  • I think that I might take a little from both to create my own list... I'll keep you posted!